Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tennis Forehand Firepower - Swing from the Shoulder: *Knowledge from Home* (Tennis and the Coronavirus Lockdown)

CHALLENGE: Getting a massive free-swinging stroke with loose grip, smooth backswing, natural wrist lag, maximum "contact-point" time with the ball, "feet-legs-hip-core-dominant shoulder-wrist-hand" all firing in sequence, with a full flowing follow thru (kinetic chain).

PROBLEM: It can't be forced. It can't be tight. It can't be "arm-y" (all-arm). It doesn't come naturally or intuitively or without training or without informed knowledge. 

ANSWER: Follow the science. After the Unit Turn, and Backswing and Body Load (with "full stretch" in the chest and side): Focus on the pulling the non-dominant shoulder and hitting with the dominant shoulder. This automatically fires the kinetic chain and pulls the body sequence: hips-core-dominant shoulder-arm-wrist-hand-butt-cap at ball. This maximizes the full ARM & SHOULDER WING SPAN and makes it work together with the hips firing and core rotation. 

SOURCE: "The primary source of power was the horizontal adduction torque, which was used to accelerate the arm in the transverse plane."

Biomechanics of the Tennis Forehand Stroke, Rafael E. Bahamonde, Ph.D., Indiana University, (Page 5, 2001).

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