Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Best Sport for Health, Fitness and Longevity - Tennis!

Photo Credit: wundervisuals, Getty Images

"Playing tennis can lead to healthier bones, greater range of motion, increased cognitive function, and greater longevity than other sport." 

"Tennis demonstrates the power, grace, intellect, wit, balance, speed, joy, sorrow, and sheer determination of human beings."  

"Tennis has endured for so long because it can be played at multiple levels - from social doubles to competitive singles - and challenges the whole body in many ways including speed, endurance, strength, technical skills, and strategic planning." 

"Playing tennis has been shown to supply a host of physical benefits including reduced obesity and diabetes risk, improved coordination, increased energy levels, and a stronger heart." 

"Unlike other sports, tennis requires multifaceted use of the musculoskeletal system to play well including with quick starting and stopping, and sudden changes in direction." 

". . . tennis players live longer than participants in other sports [based on research] . . . Incredibly, tennis players extended their lives by 9.7 years . . ." 

Excerpts from: "How tennis uniquely benefits your body - compared to other sports", By Daryl Austin, National Geographic, August 06, 2024