Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving 2024!

 Happy Thanksgiving 2024 from Timeless Tennis & USTA! 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Definition of Tennis from Artificial Intelligence (AI)

"Tennis is a captivating sport with a rich history and unique scoring system. The term "love" in tennis means zero, and its origin is unclear, with theories suggesting it comes from the French word "l'oeuf" meaning egg, or the phrase "playing for love," meaning without stakes. A tennis match consists of sets, games and points, with a set won by the first player or doubles team to win six games with a two-game margin. The scoring system involves calling points with unique terms like "15", "30", and "40", apparently derived from medieval French. Whether you are a recreational player, seasoned player, professional or simply an everyday enthusiast, tennis offers continuous excitement and challenge." 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024

Tennis Video of the Day: The History of Tennis

                   (Apx. 8 mins.)(Courtesy: tennisfamer) 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Reprise: Top Ten Rules of Success, by Coach Allistair McCaw (for tennis athletes and everyone)

1. Find and pursue a greater purpose
2. Do what you love
3. Stay open-minded
4. Add value to others
5. Surround yourself with people who make you better
6. Develop a winning attitude
7. Build and nurture relationships
8. Practice gratitude and and humility
9. Always be learning
10. Appreciate the moments 

From: The Allistair McCaw Podcast (Apx. 13 mins.)
*Found on Your Favorite Platforms for Podcast Downloads
Courtesy: Coach Allstair McCaw, on Facebook

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Best Sport for Health, Fitness and Longevity - Tennis!

Photo Credit: wundervisuals, Getty Images

"Playing tennis can lead to healthier bones, greater range of motion, increased cognitive function, and greater longevity than other sport." 

"Tennis demonstrates the power, grace, intellect, wit, balance, speed, joy, sorrow, and sheer determination of human beings."  

"Tennis has endured for so long because it can be played at multiple levels - from social doubles to competitive singles - and challenges the whole body in many ways including speed, endurance, strength, technical skills, and strategic planning." 

"Playing tennis has been shown to supply a host of physical benefits including reduced obesity and diabetes risk, improved coordination, increased energy levels, and a stronger heart." 

"Unlike other sports, tennis requires multifaceted use of the musculoskeletal system to play well including with quick starting and stopping, and sudden changes in direction." 

". . . tennis players live longer than participants in other sports [based on research] . . . Incredibly, tennis players extended their lives by 9.7 years . . ." 

Excerpts from: "How tennis uniquely benefits your body - compared to other sports", By Daryl Austin, National Geographic, August 06, 2024