Friday, October 4, 2024

Tennis Video of the Day: The History of Tennis

                   (Apx. 8 mins.)(Courtesy: tennisfamer) 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Reprise: Top Ten Rules of Success, by Coach Allistair McCaw (for tennis athletes and everyone)

1. Find and pursue a greater purpose
2. Do what you love
3. Stay open-minded
4. Add value to others
5. Surround yourself with people who make you better
6. Develop a winning attitude
7. Build and nurture relationships
8. Practice gratitude and and humility
9. Always be learning
10. Appreciate the moments 

From: The Allistair McCaw Podcast (Apx. 13 mins.)
*Found on Your Favorite Platforms for Podcast Downloads
Courtesy: Coach Allstair McCaw, on Facebook