Thursday, April 2, 2020

Relaxation and Tennis: Improve Your Relaxation Skills (On and Off the Court) (Tennis and the Coronavirus Lockdown)

Part I: Conceptual
Improve Your Relaxation: "Harnessing the Upsides of Stress"

Harness stress:
1. Move from "Excite-to-Delight": Using "excitement" energy to passionately "capitalize" on the task at hand.
2. Ask "Why Am I Nervous?": Realize that you're nervous because it matters to you, and that it reinforces your values.
3. "Convert Stress" to: rituals that reinforce positive self-image, strong body language, connections to people and the environment, reinforcement of your "aliveness", and a focus on the bigger purpose of your task or activity.

Credit: For more information: "Harnessing the Upsides of Stress", Healthbeat Blog, Harvard Medical School, from The Upside of Stress: Why Stress is Good for You and How to Get Good at It, Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D. (New York, NY: Penguin Random 2016)

Part II: Practical
Improve Your Relaxation: "Psych-down Techniques"

Relaxation Tips

1. Deep, slow breathing, with mental focus on the exact point when the inhale becomes the exhale
2. Muscle relaxation: Passive and Active
3. Slow the Pace of Competition
4. Process Focus: Pay attention to the process, not the outcome
5. Repeat Keywords or Numbers Sequence
6. Music
7. Smile

Credit: For more information, see "Sports: Psych-down Techniques", Psychology Today (May 13, 2010), Jim Taylor, Ph.D.

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